Harmony Of Life

What is harmony of Life?

    • Regular   physical   movement
    • Meaningful   positive   relationships
    • Fulfilling    work
    • Some form   of   spiritual   connection (  whatever that  means  for you)
  • Following   your   personal passions
  • Non –  dietary   forms  of self- care
  • Playfulness,  creativity,  and  fun


Don’t underestimate   FOOD..

At  Integrative  Nutrition, we believe there is more to a healthy diet than just the food we put into our bodies.

For example:  You can eat brown rice and kale every day and go to the gym every evening,  but if you are stuck in an  unfulfilling  job or toxic relationship, you are not going to feel truly healthy and happy on a deeper level.

That is why one of the core concepts we teach in our Healthy Living Program is called Primary Food, and it is not quite as edible as it sounds!

The bottom line is:  When you are nourished and happy in the ways that truly  matter, food becomes secondary.

Here  are  some  of  the  things we  consider  to  be  Primary  Foods


Share Everyday Kindness

Life  is  a simple  give and  take,

Always   give  kindness  and  take  only  what  belongs  to  you!

When   you   change  your  thoughts,  you  change  your life. The   fastest way to achieve peace  and  harmony is  to  change  your  thinking. In order to change   your  world  you must  first  change  your  inner  world. Your  thoughts  dictate your  behavior, and  when  you  change  your  thought  patterns,  you  will be  changing  your  be  changing  your  behavioral  patterns as well. Altering your  behavior  will  change  the  course of your  life.


Here are   5 simple ways to achieve peace and harmony.

  1. If  you  find  your  thoughts  are  negative  or  limiting,  stop  and  replace  those  thoughts  with  positive  ones. Meditation  is  a  good  way  to clear  that  negative  chatter,  and assist  you in  changing  your  thought process.
  2. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Healthy communication is a key in keeping peace and harmony in your life. Good communication eliminates one from being misunderstood, and prevents stressful situations. Saying what you mean not only gives you  a sense of peace, you also earn the respect from others when they know you are true to your word.
  3. Focus  on  the  Positive  not  the  Negative. Turn negative  into  positive ones. Everything  happens  for  a  purpose  and reason. Instead  of  complaining  , and  feeling  wounded  after a negative situation  Stop,  and  think  about  how  you  can  change  it  into  a positive  one. Remember  ,  you  attract  what  you  dwell on, positive  attracts positive and negativity   attracts  negativity. If  your thoughts are  negative  and victimizing , you  will attract exactly  that  into  your  life.  What are  your  thoughts  attracting?
  4. Practice Guided Visualization. This technique involves sitting comfortably, and listening to recordings or an  instructor who guides you through a relaxing scenario. The setting is calm, tranquil, and peaceful allowing your mind and body to connect. You can create what you visualize, and with the aid of your subconscious mind,  the possibilities are  limitless!
  5. Get organized. Organizing your surroundings, and managing your time wisely helps give a clear head for making wise  choices.Your choices are dependent on your thoughts that precede them. How can you make a wise decision if your thoughts are cluttered  and unorganized?Start organizing your life now, and see how fast you change your life.
  6. Thoughts are powerful, after all, everything ever  created started with a thought. You are creating your tomorrow with the  thoughts you have today.Taking control of your thoughts will give you a sense of stability and with that stability brings Peace and Harmony!